' ' $Id$ ' option predef grmode 700x500 const bl_w = 25 const bl_h = 25 const bl_x = 45 const bl_y = 45 ' ' draw the game boundary ' sub draw_walls(x, y) local px = bl_x + (x * bl_w) local py = bl_y + (y * bl_h) rect px, py, step bl_w, bl_h, 1 filled rect px, py, step bl_w, bl_h, 2 end ' ' draw the block target ' sub draw_target(x, y) local px = bl_x + (x * bl_w) local py = bl_y + (y * bl_h) rect px, py, step bl_w, bl_h, 3 filled rect px, py, step bl_w, bl_h, 4 end ' ' draw the movable block ' sub draw_block(x, y) local px = bl_x + (x * bl_w) + 1 local py = bl_y + (y * bl_h) + 1 rect px, py, step bl_w - 1, bl_h - 1, 5 filled rect px, py, step bl_w - 2, bl_h - 2, 6 end ' ' draw the empty space within the grid ' sub draw_space(x, y) local px = bl_x + (x * bl_w) + 1 local py = bl_y + (y * bl_h) + 1 rect px, py, step bl_w - 1, bl_h - 1, 8 filled end ' ' draw the sokoban man ' sub draw_soko(x, y, direction) local bx = bl_x + (x * bl_w) local by = bl_y + (y * bl_h) local dx, dy, PolyArray dx = bl_w / 5 dy = bl_w / 5 PolyArray = [[3 * dx, 1 * dy], & [5 * dx, 2 * dy], & [4 * dx, 2 * dy], & [4 * dx, 4 * dy], & [3 * dx, 3 * dy], & [2 * dx, 4 * dy], & [2 * dx, 2 * dy], & [1 * dx, 2 * dy], & [3 * dx, 1 * dy]] DrawPoly PolyArray, bx, by Color 9 filled Circle dx * 3 + bx, by + 5, 3 color 9 filled end ' ' show the game status ' sub game_status(byref game) local help, num_over ' count the number of blocks over the targts local bl_len = len(game.blocks) - 1 num_over = 0 for i = 0 to bl_len local block = game.blocks(i) local x = block(0) local y = block(1) if (mid(game.grid(y), x, 1) == ".") then num_over++ fi next i if (num_over == bl_len + 1) then local y_loc = 5 + txth("T") for i = 0 to 10 at 10, y_loc if (i mod 2 == 0) then ? "*** GAME OVER ***" else ? spc(20) fi delay 300 next i game.game_over = true fi color 1,8 help = " [e]=exit, [u]=undo" at 10, 5: ? cat(1); "Moves: "; game.moves; " Pushes: "; game.pushes; cat(-1); help ; spc(20) end ' ' whether there is a block at the x/y location ' func get_block(byref blocks, x, y) local i local result = false local bl_len = len(game.blocks) - 1 for i = 0 to bl_len local block = game.blocks(i) if (block(0) = x && block(1) = y) then result = true i = bl_len fi next i get_block = result end ' ' draw the game board ' sub init_game(grid, byref game) local row, col, row_len, x, y, ch dim blocks ' cls rect 0, 0, xmax, ymax, 8 filled erase game y = 0 for row in grid row_len = len(row) for x = 1 to row_len ch = mid(row, x, 1) select case ch case "#"' ' border draw_walls x, y case "@" ' sokoban man draw_soko x, y, 1 game.soko_x = x game.soko_y = y case "." ' block target draw_target x, y case "$" ' moveable block draw_block x, y blocks << [x,y] end select next i y++ next row game.blocks = blocks game.grid = grid game.undo_top = 0 dim game.undo end ' ' return whether the x/y location touches the border ' func is_border(byref grid, x, y) is_border = mid(grid(y), x, 1) == "#" end ' ' whether soko is current over a drop target ' func is_target(byref game, x, y) local grid = game.grid is_target = mid(grid(y), x, 1) == "." end ' ' loads any sokoban games found in filename ' for more games see: http://www.sourcecode.se/sokoban/levels.php ' func loadGame(filename) tload filename, buffer local blockFound = false local gameName = "" local buffLen = len(buffer) - 1 local nextLine, i, firstChar, games, nextGame dim nextGame local games={} for i = 0 to buffLen nextLine = buffer(i) firstChar = left(trim(nextLine), 1) if (firstChar == "#") then ' now visiting a game block blockFound = true else if firstChar == ";" then ' now visiting a comment if blockFound then ' store the previously visited game block games(gameName) = nextGame fi blockFound = false if (len(nextLine) > 2) then ' comment names the next game gameName = trim(mid(nextLine, 2)) erase nextGame fi fi if (blockFound) then ' append to the next game block nextGame << nextLine fi next i if blockFound then ' store the last game block games(gameName) = nextGame fi loadGame = games end sub mk_button(byref f, fgc, bgc, x, y, w, h, type) local button button.foreground = fgc button.background = bgc button.x = x button.y = y button.width = w button.height = h button.type = type f.inputs << button end ' ' returns a selected file name ' func openFile local dir_list, file_list, frm, form_var, selected_file selected_file = "" ' ' get the file list using the current directory ' sub get_files local list, f ' empty the arrays erase dir_list erase file_list ' re-create as arrays dim dir_list dim file_list if (exist(cwd + "/..")) then dir_list << ".." fi list = files("*") for f in list if (!isdir(f)) then file_list << f else dir_list << f fi next f sort dir_list sort file_list ' sync with first pre-selected file list item selected_file = iff(empty(file_list), "", file_list(0)) end sub refresh_form get_files frm.inputs(0).label = cwd frm.inputs(1).value = dir_list frm.inputs(2).value = file_list frm.refresh() end ' prime the initial files arrays get_files ' define the interface mk_button(frm, 1, 7, 35, 10, 600, -1, "label") mk_button(frm, 1, 7, 35, 35, 150, 200, "listbox") mk_button(frm, 1, 7, -5, 35, 150, 200, "listbox") mk_button(frm, 1, 7, -5, 35, -5, -5, "button") mk_button(frm, 1, 7, -5, 35, -5, -5, "button") frm.inputs(0).label = cwd frm.inputs(1).value = dir_list frm.inputs(2).value = file_list frm.inputs(3).label = "OK" frm.inputs(4).label = "Cancel" frm = form(frm) ' run the interface while 1 frm.doEvents() form_var = frm.value select case form_var case "OK" exit loop case "Cancel" selected_file = "" exit loop case ".." chdir cwd + "/.." refresh_form case else if (isdir(form_var)) then chdir form_var refresh_form else selected_file = form_var fi end select wend ' close the form frm.close() ' apply result openFile = selected_file end ' ' main game loop ' sub main local filename, games, sel_game, game, game_names, i, frm, game_file, start_dir ' remember the starting directory start_dir = cwd sub open_game games = loadGame(game_file) if (len(games) = 0 && game_file != "sokoban.levels") then ' revert back to the default game file ? " Levels file was empty - reverting to 'sokoban.levels' (Press any key...)" pause game_file = start_dir + "sokoban.levels" games = loadGame(game_file) fi if (len(games) > 0) then ' get the sorted list of game names dim game_names for i in games game_names << i next i sort game_names sel_game = game_names(0) init_game games(sel_game), game fi ' build the gui erase frm mk_button(frm, 1, 7, 5, 1, 100, 20, "choice") mk_button(frm, 1, 7, -1, 1, -1, 20, "button") mk_button(frm, 1, 7, -1, 1, -1, 20, "button") frm.inputs(0).value = game_names frm.inputs(1).label = "Open" frm.inputs(2).label = "Play" frm.focus = 0 frm = form(frm) end cls game_file = "sokoban.levels" open_game while 1 frm.doEvents() select case frm.value case "Open" frm.close() rect 0, 0, xmax, ymax, 8 filled new_file = openFile if (len(new_file) > 0 && exist(cwd + new_file)) then game_file = cwd + new_file end if open_game case "Play" frm.close() play_game game open_game case else sel_game = frm.value init_game games(sel_game), game end select wend end ' ' move the block covered by soko ' sub move_block(byref game, xdir, ydir, x, y) local i local bl_len = len(game.blocks) - 1 for i = 0 to bl_len local block = game.blocks(i) if (block(0) = x && block(1) = y) then block(0) = block(0) + xdir block(1) = block(1) + ydir draw_block block(0), block(1) game.blocks(i) = block i = bl_len fi next i end ' ' erase soko from the current position before a move ' sub move_erase(byref game) if (is_target(game, game.soko_x, game.soko_y)) then ' redraw the now empty target draw_target game.soko_x, game.soko_y else draw_space game.soko_x, game.soko_y fi end ' ' move up ' sub move_up(byref game, is_push) move_erase game game.soko_y-- move_erase game game.moves++ draw_soko game.soko_x, game.soko_y, 1 if is_push then move_block game, 0, -1, game.soko_x, game.soko_y game.pushes++ fi end ' ' move down ' sub move_down(byref game, is_push) move_erase game game.soko_y++ move_erase game game.moves++ draw_soko game.soko_x, game.soko_y, 2 if is_push then move_block game, 0, 1, game.soko_x, game.soko_y game.pushes++ fi end ' ' move left ' sub move_left(byref game, is_push) move_erase game game.soko_x-- move_erase game game.moves++ draw_soko game.soko_x, game.soko_y, 3 if is_push then move_block game, -1, 0, game.soko_x, game.soko_y game.pushes++ fi end ' ' move right ' sub move_right(byref game, is_push) move_erase game game.soko_x++ move_erase game game.moves++ draw_soko game.soko_x, game.soko_y, 4 if is_push then move_block game, 1, 0, game.soko_x, game.soko_y game.pushes++ fi end ' ' play the game ' sub play_game(byref game) local k, ch repeat: until len(inkey) = 0 game.game_over = false while game.game_over = false k = inkey(1) if len(k) = 2 then ch = asc(right(k,1)) select case ch case "4" 'left arrow" if (is_border(game.grid, game.soko_x-1, game.soko_y) = false) then if (get_block(game.blocks, game.soko_x-1, game.soko_y) = false) then move_left game, false undo_push game, "R", 0, 0 elif (is_border(game.grid, game.soko_x-2, game.soko_y) = false) then if (get_block(game.blocks, game.soko_x-2, game.soko_y) = false) then move_left game, true undo_push game, "R", game.soko_x-1, game.soko_y fi fi fi case "5" 'right arrow" if (is_border(game.grid, game.soko_x+1, game.soko_y) = false) then if (get_block(game.blocks, game.soko_x+1, game.soko_y) = false) then move_right game, false undo_push game, "L", 0, 0 elif (is_border(game.grid, game.soko_x+2, game.soko_y) = false) then if (get_block(game.blocks, game.soko_x+2, game.soko_y) = false) then move_right game, true undo_push game, "L", game.soko_x+1, game.soko_y fi fi fi case "9" 'up arrow" if (is_border(game.grid, game.soko_x, game.soko_y-1) = false) then if (get_block(game.blocks, game.soko_x, game.soko_y-1) = false) then move_up game, false undo_push game, "D", 0, 0 elif (is_border(game.grid, game.soko_x, game.soko_y-2) = false) then if (get_block(game.blocks, game.soko_x, game.soko_y-2) = false) then move_up game, true undo_push game, "D", game.soko_x, game.soko_y-1 fi fi fi case "10" 'down arrow" if (is_border(game.grid, game.soko_x, game.soko_y+1) = false) then if (get_block(game.blocks, game.soko_x, game.soko_y+1) = false) then move_down game, false undo_push game, "U", 0, 0 elif (is_border(game.grid, game.soko_x, game.soko_y+2) = false) then if (get_block(game.blocks, game.soko_x, game.soko_y+2) = false) then move_down game, true undo_push game, "U", game.soko_x, game.soko_y+1 fi fi fi end select else select case k case "r" restart game case "u" undo game case "e" game.game_over = true end select fi game_status game wend end ' ' restart the game ' sub restart(byref game) end ' ' undo the last move ' sub undo(byref game) local top = len(game.undo) - 1 if (top != -1) then local undo_el = game.undo(top) local soko_dir = undo_el.soko_dir local block_x = undo_el.block_x local block_y = undo_el.block_y delete game.undo, top select case soko_dir case "U": move_up game, false case "D": move_down game, false case "L": move_left game, false case "R": move_right game, false end select if (block_x != 0 && block_y != 0) then ' erase the previous cell if (is_target(game, block_x, block_y)) then draw_target block_x, block_y else draw_space block_x, block_y fi ' move to the previous position select case soko_dir case "U": move_block game, 0, -1, block_x, block_y case "D": move_block game, 0, 1, block_x, block_y case "L": move_block game, -1, 0, block_x, block_y case "R": move_block game, 1, 0, block_x, block_y end select fi fi end ' ' add an element to the undo stack ' sub undo_push(byref game, soko_dir, block_x, block_y) local undo_el undo_el.soko_dir = soko_dir undo_el.block_x = block_x undo_el.block_y = block_y game.undo << undo_el end ' ' program entry point ' main